Ayesha Ulde

Hello there!
I am a fifth-year interdisciplinary dual degree (B.Tech. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering & M.Tech. in Computational Engineering) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. I am interested in computational materials science, particularly machine learning applications at the atomic scale.
My broad research interests are:
- Materials Informatics
- Atomistic Modeling
- Solid-state Physics
- High-Performance Computing
Currently, I am predicting precipitates in ternary Mg alloys using first-principles techniques in the MADES laboratory at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) as part of the MARVEL Inspire Potentials Master’s Fellowship.
You can find me reading fiction or baking when I am not doing research. I also love exploring museums and trying new food.